Ever feel like a deer-in-headlights? This is Preventing Deer In Headlights. (PDIH)

Since everyone in the states will be in some form of tryptophan, football or shopping haze on Thursday there will not be a live meeting. But…

We want you to play along just like Jack did last week! He thought about the topic, came prepared with a tool (https://www.guardicore.com) and won a prize.

So you want to play?

We will discuss a new cyber security topic in our meeting Nov 29. There will be a new game then. But you can win this week by finding a friend who needs CASPv3.

This is a Blitz Class where we meet 12 times in 4 weeks. Along the way we do about 60 live labs, read a book, and practice for the exam. It starts Nov 24 and ends Dec 21.

So what do you do? What do you win? What do they get?

You do an email intro, and they buy the class. You get $100 gift card. They get a $1499 class for $999. Know anyone? Are you that person? If so you get it all!


Categories: Learning